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Chinese Horoscope 2019 Feb 5 - 2020 Jan 24

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Author: Han Teen SEE

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2019 will not be as good as expected for those born in the Year of the Rat, but it will be manageable. Most of the potential problems will be those that can be resolved, reduced or avoidable. The good news will be that you will be able to gain strong support from others easily. When you are in need, there will be someone coming to your rescue. This may be a bonus for you, but try not to rely too much on others. Your greatest pitfall of the year will be that you will be highly attracted to indulgences such as excessive drinking, abusing drugs and compulsive sexual behaviour. Forbidden relationships will excite you. You will tend to be a two timer or a third party. You will either enter office romances, or get involved with people who pose potential conflict of interest. Having such indulgences and forbidden relationships will increase the potential damage that you will have to bear tremendously, such as your health, finances, career and your romantic partner being compromised. Do not let excitement blind your judgement and lose your self-control. You can implement your plans and glide through the year while staying far from indulgences and forbidden relationships.


You will be an energetic bunny and will be enthusiastic about what you are doing. However, try not to be overly optimistic in your plans. Your career luck will be considered slightly below expectations. There will be many knocks and bumps, but they should not be detrimental to your overall career progress. Most of the problems you face will be related to those that are beyond your control, and not intended to cause harm to you specifically. For example, your business could be affected by a pipe bursting, which flooded your cafeteria. Although there will be situations like that populating 2019, there will always be someone jumping in to save the day. You will be able to gain strong support from the relevant people without spending too much time socializing. Even though you will gain support from others, it will be best not to get into too much troubles to begin with. Many can be supportive but it does not mean that everybody will be sincere towards you. Do not let your guard down. Avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information, especially those that are related to opportunities that you have not secured or have not decided whether to pursue. This will prevent others intercepting opportunities that you have discovered. You will not have problems in doing your job well. Your biggest problem is that you will be attracted to office romances, especially with those who may results in a conflict of interest. This might escalate your potential risk tremendously from simple knocks and bumps to you eventually losing your job, or being sued, which can ruin your career. Stay away from such troubles and you will be fine. You can implement your career plans, but do not be overly aggressive.


If you were to earn through a steady income, there should not be major problems in earnings. Profits from investments and winnings from gambling will be below average. If you were to invest, you may want to consider those that are of lower risk. You may want to refrain from gambling. The main concern will be that you will be spending a lot on entertainment and indulgences such as alcohol, prostitution and drugs. You may need to pay a large sum of money to bail yourself out from troubles. These expenses can total up to be a huge amount. Even though you should not get into financial troubles, you will have great difficulties in keeping what you earn. To be able to keep your money, do keep your expenses in check, and avoid getting into troubles.


This will be a good year for relationship matters. You will likely to fall in love if you are single. If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will improve. However, you will be attracted to forbidden relationships. You will likely to fall in love with people who are unavailable. You will tend to two-time, become a third party, or have extra-marital affairs. Having underground office romances, or with those who might result in a conflict of interest will seem exciting to you. This will be a good year to improve your relationship, such as falling in love and strengthening your marriage, but the situation can turn the other way if you were to betray the trust that your partner have in you. Losing your partner or causing irreversible damage to your relationship will be inevitable. If you were to be a third party or be involved in a forbidden relationship, you will put yourself under huge social pressure when your actions are being exposed. Do not put yourself under such risk or strain for a spur of excitement.


You will likely to have minor ailments, but should not have major health issues. However, if you were to lose yourself to bad habits mentioned in the earlier sections, such as excessive drinking, abusing drugs and developing compulsive sexual behaviour, you will expose yourself to chronic illness and those that can be fatal. You will be prone to accidents that are related to drink driving. You may either drunk drive, or you may become a victim of drunk driving. No matter which situation it will be, you will not want to be either one. If you were to drink, do not drive. Do not put your life or anybody's lives at risk.


This will be one of those unusual years that you will have few ill-intentioned people around you. Even so, you will be discouraged to share news about opportunities that you have not secured to avoid others intercepting. Most of the concerns will be that you will meet people who will lure you into compulsive indulgence such as excessive drinking, obsessive shopping therapy, compulsive sexual behaviour, and engage in forbidden relationships, which will do you a lot of harm. Once they get you hooked on to such activities, you will be so vulnerable that you can be knocked down easily. Fortunately, you will be able to gain strong support from others easily. They will provide you with opportunities and will try their best to get you out of troubles. When they are aware that you are going down the wrong path, they will likely to go all the way out to pull you back and to pick you up. However, a lot will rely on whether you will allow others to help you. Nobody will be able to help you when you refuse to be helped. It will be best that you can enjoy the support from others and do not get into troubles to begin with.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a challenging year for those born in the Year of the Ox. There will be problems arising in many areas of your life. You will have many obstacles at work. There will be financial troubles. Your health and safety will be poor. Your family and friends will also suffer from poor health and safety. Romance will be poor. You will be likely to face with a lot people problems. Support from others will weak. You being snappy will push people away from you, and make many to turn their back against you. You will have a high risk of being trapped in an unhealthy vicious cycle of you facing some problems and aggravating situations with inappropriate behaviour and choice of words, and the problems will become more severe or new problems will arise. You will likely to be very frustrated and agitated, which will affect your judgment and the way you correspond with others. You will be careless, forgetful and get distracted easily, which will not be helpful. There will be many situations happening that will be beyond your control, but you can control how you react to situations and interact with others. You cannot drive away darkness with darkness but you can do so with light. Having a positive attitude, being humble and polite, and giving your best in whatever you are doing will enable you to break the unhealthy vicious cycle. Even if you cannot improve situations tremendously, you will be able to keep situations under control.


This will be a challenging year for your career. Apart from facing many delays and hiccups, there will be many technical and people issues arising from all areas. Due to the circumstance, you will inevitably be frustrated about what is going on. This will affect the way you carry out your duties and interact with others. You will get so agitated and discouraged that you will lose patience when going through details and complex matters. Hence, you will tend to overlook details and make many mistakes. You will be snappy and too outspoken for your own good. You will also offend many, especially authorities, your boss and people who intend to help you. Your words and behaviour will be misinterpreted intentionally. There will be others who will not hesitate to see you make mistakes and get into troubles. You will likely to turn friends to foes with your irritable demeanour. Many may be beyond your control, but you can at least control your own words, behaviour and attitude. Therefore, think before you speak. Speak in an appropriate time with appropriate choice of words. Always be humble and polite. Stay alert about what is going on around you, and what you are working on. If you cannot make as many friends as possible, you can at least try not to make enemies. Even if others may not be able to help you effectively, you will not want them to play a part in pushing you down the cliff.


You finances will be poor. If you are earning through a steady income, there will be many sudden events that will cause you to spend a lot of money. There will be people or institutions running away with money or valuables that you entrust them with. Do not entrust your money and valuables to others. If you were to handle contracts and agreements, ensure that you will go through the details and sign on the dotted line personally because there is a high risk that someone will try to change the content of the contract or overlook details that will burn a big hole in your pocket. You may want to handle anything that involves money personally instead of dedicating to others. Adopt conservative approach to finances. It will be helpful to be paranoid when it comes to finances since the risk of getting into financial troubles will be very high.


Relationship matters will be poor. If you are single, you may not be in the mood to be in a relationship. You will often be seen in such a foul mood that will drive potential suitors away. If you are seeing someone or married, there will be frequent fierce fights that can strain the relationship so badly that can result in separation. If you are already married, you and your spouse may be going through a difficult time, which result in the tendency of both of you taking it out on each other. It may not be easy to control your temper in such a trying year. You can consider keeping your partner abreast of what is going on in your life, and be posted about what is going on with your partner's life, so that both of you will be able to be more understanding and supportive, instead of trying to hurt each other and strain the relationship. When the world will seem to be turning against you, you can at least get the love of your life to be on your side. Your spouse may also face life threatening situations in this year.


Your health will be below average. Most of the health conditions that you will face will be related to the stomach and intestines. You may have digestive problems or food poisoning. When you are traveling, be cautious about what and where you consume the food. Avoid being too adventurous with what you put in your mouth. When it comes to health and safety issues, the likelihood of you encountering safety issues will be much lesser than that of you having health conditions. Among different forms of accidents, you will be prone to those relating to traffic and commuting. Many of your friends and family will be having severe health and safety issues as well. You will not be the cause of their health and safety issues. Receiving bad news about their health and safety can be depressing for you. Treasure people around you and you can use this as a reminder to take good care of your health and safety.


You will be caught in cobwebs of power struggles in the office and personal front. There will be betrayal, backstabbing, manipulation and accusation. You would like to hide from these matters, but it will be impossible to do so. There will be many serious people issues everywhere, and others will try to drag you into these troubles. You will have the tendency of being too outspoken, which will cause you to offend others without knowing. Many will intentionally misinterpret your words in order to put you in a bad light. Not only will these strain your relationships with others, these will potentially hinder your career progress, cost potential opportunities, or cause those who wanted to support you to leave. Always think carefully before you speak. Being quiet will make you come across as a pushover. You will be encouraged to speak in an appropriate time and have appropriate choice of words. If you cannot keep your friends or make others like you, try not to make enemies. In order to stay afloat and survive, you will need to play your cards right and have a better control of yourself.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a good year for those born in the Year of the Tiger but there will be some disturbance from negative energies hovering along the year. There will be delays and inconveniences, but they should not be enough to create major damages. You will be doing exceptionally well in your career. Your wealth will be better than usual, although you run the risk of being cheated and robbed. You may lose money due to others misleading you. Hence, you may want to verify important information before using it. Your health will be weaker than in other years. Although you will gain strong support from others, you will feel otherwise. You will tend to push others away from you while feeling lonely. You will seem to be arrogant to many, which result in them turning their backs at you or sabotaging you when opportunities arise. Treasure the support others can give you, but do not be too trusting. Be humble and try to have moderate interaction with others in order to know what is going on around you. Romantic relationships will be poor, and will cause you a lot of anxiety. You will be encouraged to leverage on this year to implement your plans and embrace opportunities that come along. However, you will need to thread with care and be aware of how you interact with others.


This will be a good year for your career. You will be given heavier responsibilities and an increase in your portfolio. You will have more authority power which will come with promotions. Your efforts will pay off. However, there may or may not be pay increments. You will gain strong support from the management and the authorities. Even though you will have good career luck, your career will still be affected by some of the negative energies hovering in 2019. As you will be progressing rapidly on the corporate ladder, many will choose to be seen as your friend instead of enemy, but this does not mean that everyone will be your friend. On the other hand, you will feel that you cannot get adequate support from others which will be different from the reality. You will isolate yourself which will cause you to appear as an arrogant individual. Some may be offended by your attitude which will cause them to turn their back on you in critical times. They will sabotage you or intercept your opportunities. They will mislead you. You will be careless and get distracted easily, thus causing you to make mistakes. It will be important that you can remain humble and friendly but do not share confidential information and about opportunities that you discover. Stay alert and focus. You can have personal space, but will need to have moderate interaction to know what is going on around you to protect yourself better and to embrace opportunities. Although you will be faced with challenges, you will be able to avoid and resolve them by being careful.


Your finances will be better than average. Earnings from your job will be stable. Profits from investments and winnings from gambling will be good. There will be many unexpected situations that will cost you a lot of money. Fortunately, your finances will be able to cope with the expenses. It will be better if you can reduce your expenses. You will lose or misplace money and valuables. If you were to invest, you may need to gather information by yourself instead of relying on others. Others will attempt to mislead you. If you were use information given by others, verify them before using it. You will have a high risk of being robbed or pickpocketed. Do not flash your money and valuables in public. Flaunting your wealth will be a bad idea.


If you are single, you will feel lonely and keen to be in a relationship, but the chance of falling in love will be slim. If you are already in a relationship, there will be frequent fights. Any trivial matters can spark off heated arguments. You will feel that your partner is unable to support you adequately. Yearning for your partner's passion and love, but by being demanding, aggressive and temperamental will only push your partner further away from you. You will consider filling the void within you by looking for another partner or engaging in one-night stands. Your partner will also be looking for other romantic partners to escape from the strained relationship. There will be many matters that will cause you to be in dismay, but do not take it out on your loved ones. Looking to seek comfort from affairs will not solve existing problems, but will put your relationship at risk. You can consider letting your partner know about what you are going through so that your partner will be more understanding. If you need to be alone or wish your partner to comfort or support you in any way, you can tell your partner. Manage your relationship well so that it will not be one of the problems that you will need to deal with in 2019.


Your health will be weaker than usual. You will tend to fall ill easily. Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to health conditions that related to the digestive system such as gastritis and stomach flu. You may want to have regular meals. You will also have high risk of food poisoning. Be careful of what and where you consume. Ensure that your food is well-prepared. You will be accident prone. If you realize that you have difficulties in focusing, do not drive, operate machines and handle sharp tools.


People problems that you will face will be considered lesser than in other years. Generally, you will gain strong support without requiring to spend much time on social activities. However, you will feel that support from others will be lacking and there will be a sense of loneliness which will be different from the reality. You will be seen as a rising star and many will know better not to have direct confrontations with you. Even if they may not be sincere towards you, they will hesitate going against you because of your well-known strong personality. When you are doing well, be humble. Do not spite others so much so that they will choose to sabotage your plans, intercept your opportunities and misinform you to get you into troubles or lose money. There will be times that you will need to have personal space. You can let others know instead of behaving rudely in desperation of pushing them away. Many will understand you better than you think. It will be easier for you to gain support than to create enemies. You can be friendly but do not be gullible or trusting. By being careful, you will be able to keep problems with people to the minimum.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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For those born in the Year of the Rabbit will do well in terms of career and money, but will be faced with many sticky potential problems, such as getting along with many, which can have a devastating impact. You will be increasingly arrogant and domineering as you will be valued at work. You will try to enforce your ideas on others. You will put yourself at risk of being a public enemy. Some may try to get you into troubles and you will have frequent heated tensions with others. There will be possibility of physical fights. This will happen in your work front or at home. Family and friends will find it difficult to be around you. Some will choose to distant themselves from you while others will end their relationships with you. Due to lack of people watching your back and many who will be happy to see you in big troubles, there will be a possibility of you making mistakes, losing your job, being fired and facing jail terms. In order to sustain your success at work and make this an enjoyable year, it will be necessary to have good relationships with others. This will be able to help you reduce and avoid many potential problems.


This will be a good year for your career, and your social and communication skills will play a huge role in maintaining the good career luck. You will enjoy what you are doing. Your efforts will be recognized, and your skills will be valued. Although there may or may not be a promotion, there will be high possibility of pay increments or other forms of material rewards. You will gain strong support from the authorities and management. You will likely to get carried away with the recognition and attention and you will become domineering and arrogant. You will feel that your way is the way. Such behaviour will invite many problems. Those who do not want to be seen as your enemy will try to lure you into making mistakes, testing company’s policy and challenging the law. If being big-headed will blind your judgment, you will likely to get into troubles very soon. Apart from that, you will often be seen yelling or having direct confrontations with others. Heated arguments can escalate to physical fights. The troubles that you can get into will be those that can cost your professional reputation and your job. In severe cases, there will be risk of being fined and facing jail terms. You do not need to let situations snowball to such an extent. You can remain humble and friendly as you rise in the corporate ladder. You can work towards maintaining and strengthening your relationships with others. When there are differences, you can try to strike a win-win solution or manage conflicts. Many will feel that you are well deserved with the recognition and success. Always do the right thing instead of trying to challenge rules and regulations. By doing so, you will be able to make your success long lasting, and work will become enjoyable.


Your finances will be good, but can be unstable. You will likely have pay increments. There will be significant profit from investments and winning from gambling. However, the money might come and go fast as well. Being obsessive with investing and parking yourself at the gambling table will not be a good idea. Instead, you will have a better chance of keeping your good wealth by stopping your investments or gambling once you make some profit. You can re-enter the game when situations seem to be favourable for you to do so. If you were to stay in the game further, you will likely lose what you earned, or more than what you have earned. You may want to be decisive in cutting losses if you were to start losing money. Do not let greed blind your judgement.


If you are single, you may meet someone or fall in love in this year, but it will be difficult to remain in a relationship. You will be so curt when interacting with others that will drive potential suitors to change their mind about having a relationship with you. If you are already in a relationship, you will force your opinions and ideas upon your partner. You will choose not to hear what your partner wants to tell you. Due to this, there will be frequent arguments. If you do not continue to respect your partner, be tolerant, and be more accommodating, you will suffocate your partner so much so that your partner will choose to avoid you or end the relationship.


Your health will be average. However, most of the health conditions that you will have will be related to having inadequate rest, over-eating and excessive alcohol consumption. If you were to abuse your body, your health will not be average, and might take a plunge. To improve your immune system, you will need to have enough sleep, regular meals with appropriate proportions, and limit your consumption of alcohol. You will also have accidents and surgeries. You may receive invasive treatments. If you have difficulties in focusing, do not drive, operate machinery, and handle sharp tools. Your family members may also face life threatening situations. It may not be easy to worry for so many people. You may want to focus on elderly, children and those who already have chronic illnesses.


You will be meeting many people who will try to cajole you into bad habits or trying to get you into trouble. You will need to exercise your judgement about what is right and what is wrong for you. Do not let others persuade you into addictive behaviour or to challenge policies and the law. You can be friendly, but do not be too trusting. Verify information before using it. You may need to handle important matters personally instead of delegating to others. Being affected by your frequent foul mood, you will often get into heated arguments with others. Some of the verbal arguments will escalate to physical violence. You will likely make many enemies, which will be detrimental to your overall progress in life. Even if you feel that you do not need anyone in life, you do not live on an island, and you cannot guarantee that you will never need help from anyone in your lifetime. You can have your own opinions, but you will need to respect others' as well. You may not need to agree with them, but this does not give you the right to be rude. Try not to create so many enemies. You will never know when you will be at their mercy.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a good year for those born in the Year of the Dragon. You will be doing very well in many aspects of your life. You will potentially have huge career progress, which will be beautifully complemented with good luck with your wealth. Your health will also be good, and romance will be beaming at you. You will likely to get attached or married. You will also welcome a new family member. The love and care with your spouse will be reignited. You can gain strong support from others easily. There will be some people trying to spread rumours about you or speak ill of you, but that will have little to no significant impact on you. There may be some delays and hiccups in your plans, which can be reduced. The problems that you will face will be so minor that you will be able to reduce or avoid them completely easily. Do not waste effort and time on them. Instead, you will be encouraged to put your plans in place and turn your dreams to reality professionally and socially. Be ready to rock the world with your ideas.


You will be able to accomplish a lot and achieve significant career progress. Although there are no strong indications of promotion and pay increments, this does not imply that they will not happen. By giving your best, your efforts will be rewarded and there will be a lot of job satisfaction. You will be charming and suitable to be in the limelight. It will be favourable for you to engage in highly interactive activities such as presentations, negotiations, marketing, and asking for what you want. You will gain strong support from management, authorities and peers. Although this will be a wonderful year at work, there will be some minor problems to take note of. There will be some delays and hiccups. You may want to give more time to buffer between your tasks to reduce impacts from the delays. Some people will gossip about you or speak ill of you behind your back. You may not want to get too bothered by this. Gossiping and defaming you will not only have little detrimental impact towards you, they will die off faster than anything. There will be so many more good things that people will say about you that your strong reputation will act as a strong shield from rumours and malicious acts. You will be encouraged to leverage on this year to implement your career plans and bring your career to greater heights. Your positive energies will be contagious. You will be able to leave a legacy.


You wealth luck will be strong. Apart from earning from a steady income, there will be substantial profits from investments and winnings from gambling. You may be spending a lot on celebration and social activities. Although you may have high expenses, your finances will be able to cope with the expenses. However, you may want to consider keeping your expenses in check. You can consider spending on activities or items that can help you progress in life such as upgrading your skills or invest in a house for your own stay. Refrain from spending on activities or items that can offer temporary satisfaction but will not contribute to your progress. For example, splurging on hearty and expensive meals frequently will not only hurt your wallet, but will also affect your health, and thus should be avoided.


If you are single, there will be a high chance of you getting into a romantic relationship. If you are already seeing someone, your relationship will progress rapidly. You will welcome a new family member if you are already married. For those who are already married for a while, you and partner will have a lot of enjoyment together. The passion and love for each other will be revived. The twinkle in each other eyes will be familiar, and can still touch the deepest part of your heart. This will be a good year to strengthen your relationship.


Your health will be good. There may be occasional migraines and insomnia. Although you should not have major health issues, any downtime due to health issues or feeling fatigue will compromise on what you can reap from 2019. You may want to consider having adequate rest, regular meals and some exercises to better your health.


This will be one of those unusual years that there will be little problems with people. Generally, you will be able to gain strong support from others easily. There will be many social activities and you will have ample opportunities to improve relationships with others. Many will find it pleasant to interact with you. Most of the people problems that you will face will be others gossiping about you or speaking ill of you. Even so, the impact of such matters towards you will be minor or insignificant. You may not want to spend much time and energy on such matters even if you are aware of it happening. Instead, you may want to focus on maintaining and improving your relationships with others.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a very challenging year for those born in the Year of the Snake. You will be doing badly in almost all aspects of your life. There will be a high possibility of suffering from setbacks such as losing your job, getting into financial troubles and separating from a romantic partner. You will fall ill and be injured. You will experience a lot of movements, which can refer to you being busy, having frequent trips, house moving and relocating, which can worsen situations that you will be in. This will be one of those bizarre years that whatever you are involved in, even remotely, will not work out. This will happen both sat work and in your social settings. When your world falls apart, many will not want to have anything to do with you, and may condemn you, or try to harm you. Many can be more realistic and materialistic than you realize. You may want to keep a low profile and avoid implementing major plans. You can perceive this year similar to going through a detoxing program. You will be exuding a lot of negativity. Parasitic worms will be leaving you. It can be painful and uncomfortable. It can be disheartening and shocking. However, you will be able to come out of the detox program with a better health and a stronger immune system. You will likely to mature over the year and able to discover what are the important things in your life that you will need to treasure and be grateful of. You will be able to identify who your real friends are, and who you can keep for life. Be strong and get your lifebuoy ready.


This will be a challenging year at work. You will be badly hit by problems of varying magnitude with great severity. There will be betrayals, backstabbing, misdirection and accusations. Your plans will be crippled by technical issues such as system network failure, power failure and server failure. Major organizational change may cause you to be demoted, or your projects to be canned and resources to be cut. You will even be plagued by unexpected disasters such as storms messing up with air traffic that held up your cargo, and you will be unable to fulfil orders in time. You may feel that you jinx projects and tasks. Whatever matters that you are involved in will fail. You will be very busy fire-fighting, having frequent business trips and relocating due to work. This will be a physically strenuous year, and your efforts will not help situations. Many will begin to associate you with all negative matters, and you will lose support from others easily. They will put blame on you, be rude to you, or have direct confrontation with you. They will treat you this way because it will be easier for them to be seen condemning you. Although you will be disheartened by the way others treat you, this will be the year for you to identify who your real friends are. They will offer you a hand even though you may be seen as an outcast. They will fend for you and will not leave you behind. You may not discover many friends, but having one will be enough to warm your heart and pull you through the year. You will be advised to keep a low profile and avoid scheduling anything important. You may suffer from setbacks such as demotion, losing job or pay cuts. Be strong and try to pull yourself together. Whatever that will happen in this year has nothing to do with your abilities and how much efforts you are willing to put in your career. Instead of looking for a career progress, it will be important to minimize setbacks, or just stay employed.


Your finances will be poor. Not only there will be pay cuts, there will be frequent huge expenses. There will be major losses in investments. Gambling luck will be poor. You may want to avoid investing and gambling. Your expenses and losses will be way beyond what your income can sustain, which will put you at a very high risk of getting into very bad financial problems. You may want to put on hold any plans that require you to spend a lot of money. The situation will be so bad that penny-pinching might be the only way that can save your finances.


There will be so many matters going on in your life that relationships will take a backseat. If you are single, this will likely to remain the same. If you are already seeing someone or married, there will be either frequent fights, or you will become indifferent with what is going on with your relationship or your partner. You will be too busy, or travel too frequently that you cannot spend adequate time with your partner, and thus neglecting your partner. It will not be good to have frequent fights, or being too cold towards your partner. Instead, focus on the positive side of the relationship and the good points of your partner. Try your best to spend some time with your partner. Even if this can be a short while, it can mean a lot to your partner.


Your health will be poor. You will likely fall ill often, and for a longer period of time. There will be the possibility of sustaining injuries, having surgeries and requiring invasive treatments. Among different types of injuries, you will be prone to those that are related to sharp items, falling and attacks by animals. If you have to handle sharp items or operate machines, you may want to focus on what you are doing. If you keep pets or need to handle animals in your job, do pay extra care when handling them. Avoid going near stray or wild animals.


Although there will be a lot of problems dealing with people, this particular type of problem will seem to be submerged into the sea of troubles that you will experience in 2019. There will be so many kinds of troubles crashing at you from all different directions. There will be people issues, technical problems, natural disasters and those that are caused by pure bad luck. No matter what you do or what you not do, others will be unhappy with you or be offended by you. In such a year, it will be difficult to request you to be careful of how you interact with others because being careful will not help. Instead, you can consider trying to minimize people issues by not antagonizing, plotting against or being in an offensive mode towards others. Pleasing others will not worth your effort. Although you cannot ignore others' opinions towards you, you may not want to be too bothered about what others have to say about you. It will be more important that you will be true to yourself and keep a clear conscience.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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Those born in the Year of the Horse will be likely to do very well. There will be career advancements and good finances. You will be able to improve your social standing. You may fall in love if you are single, or welcome a new family member if you are married. Although you will be happy most of the time, you can be quick tempered. You will offend some people along the way. Even though you will be doing well, it does not give you the right to treat others poorly. Beside, you will likely face problems that can quickly go beyond your control, and can put you in a devastating state, such as losing your job, being bankrupt, or facing a jail term. You may be floating in the air most of the year, but can quickly get slammed into a rut before you know it. Hence, do not take your success for granted. It will be helpful to be always on your toes and pay extra attention to the way you interact with others. If you are able to do so, you will likely have a wonderful 2019.


You will be likely to do very well in your career. There will be a possibility of promotion, recognition, situations turning to your favour, and your plans going through. Often, you will be in the right place at the right time. You will be given opportunities to shine from the crowd. You will catch the attention from the relevant authorities and management, and be able to gain strong support from them. You will likely enjoy what you will be doing, and will be willing to put in effort. You will be rewarded with pay increment, bonuses and other incentives. Even when you were to meet with some issues, there will be a high chance that the problems can be reduced or resolved. You will likely be satisfied with how your career will progress. You will often be enthusiastic and passionate about what you will be doing. Occasionally, you will be callous and short-fused. In those few occasions, you will leave very bad impressions on others. Although you will be doing very well, this does not mean that you will be invincible and does not guarantee you a smooth sailing year. The problems that you will face will be usually those that strike suddenly and can have serious consequences such as losing your job and facing jail terms. Many of these problems will seem to be innocently trivial initially, but can spread like uncontrollable wildfire. One of the main reasons for this will be that there will be some who will not be happy that you are doing well, and many are those who you have offended. They will be waiting patiently to strike when you are vulnerable, such as you making mistakes or overlooking vital information. They will fan the fire and quickly make situations beyond your control. It will be inevitable to attract jealousy or other undesirable attention from others when you are doing so well. However, you will often need to be aware of how you interact with others. Always be humble and friendly. You will need to put contingency plans in place and verify important information before using it. In order to make your success long lasting, you will need to minimize interaction with people who are not happy with you, and always do your job.


Your finances will be good. There will be pay increment, fat bonuses and huge commissions. There will also be huge profit from investments and winning from gambling. Although your wealth luck will be good, there will be high risk of sudden events that can cause you to spend a lot of money or losing much more than you gain, which can potentially put you in financial troubles. Do not take the good wealth for granted. The good money will come and go very fast. It will be important that you can come up with some saving schemes to trap the good wealth. You may want to take a break if you are earning a lot through investment and gambling. If there are businesses or investment plans that sound too good to be true, they are probably not real. Do not let greed blind your judgment.


If you are single, there will be a high chance that you will likely to meet someone special and fall in love. There will be possibility of welcoming a new family member if you are married. If you are already in a relationship, although there will be a lot of enjoyable time spent with your partner and you will have many opportunities to improve your relationship, there will be frequent arguments due to your fiery temper. You can be in a good mood one moment, and suddenly snap at your partner next. Trivial matters can cause you to fly into a rage. Anger management will be important to you. Do not let yourself say or do anything that you will regret later.


Your health will be average in general. However, among different forms of health conditions, you will have risk of health conditions that strike fast, such as heart attack and stroke. You will have a high risk of injuries that are related to accidents. Though you should not face life threatening situations, you may still need to exercise care in your own safety, such as wearing a safety belt when you are in a car, do not jay-walk and watch where you are going.


You will have very little problems interacting with others. You will gain support from others easily and everybody will seem to be friendly. Even so, it does not mean that everybody will be sincere towards you. In fact, something sinister will be brewing behind the scene. While you will be doing well along the year, there will be many scrutinizing what you will be doing, and be ready to strike when you make a mistake or are being caught in situations. Hence, you will realize that when you meet with some problems, no matter how trivial they can be, the problems will quickly escalate into something uncontrollable. This is because there will be many fanning the fire behind the scene. To minimize such problems, you will need to remain friendly and humble when you are doing very well. Even though this will not guarantee that others will not harm you, try not to give others reasons to harm you. Do not take your success for granted. You may always want to have contingency plans in place.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a trying year for those born in the Year of the Goat. Although it will not be as bad as the world collapsing on you, you will feel that you are swimming against the current. Your will experience a lot of challenges at work. You finances will be manageable if you earn from a steady income, but will be otherwise if your income fluctuates. Support from others will be insufficient. Although there will not be exceptionally numerous people issues, you will be so vulnerable that any little issues can become the last straw that will break the camel’s back. Situations will drive you to be emotional and frustrated. Many will find it difficult to get along with you at work and personally. You will become careless and get distracted easily which will cause more issues. Anger and stress management will be important. Try to pull yourself together and focus on getting the basic matters done. Although you may not be able to fly high and smooth, you can at least scrape through this year with some bruises and cuts.


This will be a challenging year for your career. There will be problems of various forms. There will be delays, severe office politics, sudden crises and technical issues. Your projects may be suspended or canned. You will feel that there is an invincible force twisting your arm to make your tasks more difficult than they should be. Even tasks that you are familiar with will become trying. Although there will be some support from others, the support will be insufficient to cope with the challenges. You will feel that you will be fighting the battle alone. You will likely be frustrated with your career situation, especially when your efforts do not commensurate with the results garnered. Being emotional will cause you to be quick tempered, which will put you in a bad light, and will affect your judgment. To add on to the complexity, your focus will be weak. You will be careless, get distracted easily, and be forgetful. This will put you at the risk of making mistakes. The challenges that you will experience have nothing to do with your efforts and abilities. Hence, do not beat yourself up for it. This will not be an appropriate year to launch aggressive plans. Instead, you can consider keeping a low profile and focus on what you need to handle on hand. Try your best to let the existing tasks progress as well as you can. If you realise that some matters or people are getting your nerves, take a deep breath and be calm before reacting. You may want to come up with some techniques to help you remember things and keep track of what is going on. Staying focused and being calm will be your golden rule for the year.


Your wealth will be below average. If you are earning through a steady income, you should not have problems maintaining the earnings, but you will have difficulties in growing your savings. If your earnings fluctuate, you will have difficulties in making ends meet. Profit from investments and winning from gambling will be poor. This will not be a good year for you to take any risk in finances. You may want to refrain from investing and gambling. Be frugal in spending.


If you are single, the chances of meeting someone special or falling in love will be slim. Even if you were to meet someone who is interested in you, you may not be in the mood for a relationship. If you are already seeing someone or married, there will be frequent fights due to your bad mood. You will likely get offended easily and can take everything too personally. You will feel lonely even if you are seeing someone. It will important that you do not take it out on your partner. If you are annoyed, try to give yourself some time to cool down to understand matters. There will be a high chance that the situation may not be as bad as what you have perceived earlier.


Your health will be average. Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to have high blood pressure and liver issues. You will frequently feel tightness in the chest. It will be important that you can de-stress from time to time and stay positive. To make it slightly easier for you to do so, you can consider surrounding yourself amongst positive people and environment. A positive physical environment refers to an environment that is clean, tidy and well lit. Positive people refer to people who are able to view matters objectively. By taking care of your emotions and stress level, you will be able to maintain your health.


There will be a lot of people issues, especially relating to misunderstandings, misinterpretations and accusations. Although such problems should not be new to you, you being in bad mood often will worsen situations by causing you to have frequent direct confrontations with others, and problems will be blown out of proportion. You cannot control other people’s behaviour, but you can control how you react to situations. You do not need to endure the injustice that is done to you, but you do not need to flare up to show that you are no push-over. Flaring up will only put you in a bad light. Instead, you can consider giving yourself some time to be calm, and to gather the facts so that you can counter with full force.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a better year than average for those born in the year of the Monkey. You will likely to do well in terms of career. You will be able to save up more money than trying to profit from investments and gambling. Your health will be average. Romance will be average. If you are single, this may not likely to change. You will have more fights if you are already in a relationship but these fights can help you to improve your relationship by getting to know each other better. You will have many opportunities to indulge in the finer things in life. You can pamper and reward yourself. Most of the problems that you will face will be related to gossips, misunderstandings and accusations. Even so, the magnitude of these problems will be so minor that they will be reduced or can be avoided. You will gain strong support from others easily, and there will be many who will defend you or help you out. Hence, you may not need to react too much to these problems. Just smile and wave. You will glide through 2019.


This will be a good year for your career and you can implement your plans. You will likely to achieve good career progress. Although you may not have promotion and pay increments, your experiences and achievements will be a stepping stone to reach new heights. You will be able to gain strong support from others without spending too much time on socializing. You will be encouraged to focus on your work and avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. This does not mean that you should lock yourself out from whatever is going on behind the scenes, or to react indifferently to others. The main idea is for you to avoid engaging in gossiping. You can listen to what others have to say, but avoid interpreting situations according to your own opinions. There will be a high chance that you will hear gossips about you and someone misunderstanding or accusing you. You will be furious and likely to fly into confrontation which can worsen situations. The gossips, misunderstandings and accusations will likely be minor, and will clear up before you know it. These can be so trivial that people involved will quickly forget about the entire incident. Hence, you may want to avoid reacting based on impulse or anger. Besides, there will be many who will be supportive towards you. They will defend you and clear your name. You may not even need to lift a finger to clear the gossips, misunderstandings or accusations. You may want to focus on improving your career and increasing your working experiences. You will be able to benefit a lot from this year.


Your earnings from work will be steady and good. However, profits from investment and winnings from gambling will be weak. You may be able to have some profits, but will likely lose a lot more if you were to be heavily engaged in investing and gambling. Instead of trying to gain a lot of money from investment and gambling, you will be able to save much more money by reducing your expenses.


Relationship matters will be above average. If you are single, this will be a good year to increase your social circle and make more friends. This will give you some time to think about what you really want in a relationship. If you are interested in anyone or anyone will be interested in you, give more time to know each other better, but do not rush into making long term commitments. If you are already in a relationship, you and your partner will have a lot of enjoyable time together, but both of you will also have frequent bickering. The bickering is unlikely to get out of hand, and might instead let both of you understand each other better, which can improve your relationship.


Your health will be average. However, you will tend to over-indulge in good food that has strong flavours, such as those that are overly salty, oily, sweet and starchy. These will be closely related to the infamous three highs - high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high blood sugar. There may be other health issues such as indigestion and acid reflux. It will be alright to pamper yourself from time to time, but do not overdo this. Do have regular meals in moderate portions and keep a balanced nutrition. Elderly health and safety however, will be in danger. It will be best that they can visit a doctor if they were to feel unwell. They may need to avoid traveling, staying at home alone, or going out unaccompanied.


There will be moderate people issues which will be mainly gossiping, disagreements, misunderstandings and accusations. However, these problems will not be severe and will likely to be blown over fast. It will be important that you do not engage in gossiping. What goes around will come around. Avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. Even if you will like to help others, it will be best to wait for others to request for your help before extending it. This will reduce the risk of others misinterpreting your help as you trying to put them down. If there are any disagreements or misunderstanding, it may not be a good idea to rush into reacting to them. Instead, give yourself some time to think over in how you can handle the situation to improve it. If you realize that no matter what you do will not improve situation or will instead worsen situation, it may be better not to do anything at all. Do not react in fits of impulse or due to anger. While you will face people issues, you will also be getting strong support from others. Before you react to accusations and arguments, there will be someone jumping in to clear your name or to defend you.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a lousy year for those born in the Year of the Rooster. It will not be world-collapsing, but there will be many teething problems in different parts of your life. You will meet with many obstacles and problems in your career that will cause delays and hiccups. There will be severe office politics and possibilities of scandals happening. You will be advised to keep a low profile to stay afloat. You will incur huge expenses. There will be the possibility of being robbed as well. You will tend to fall ill frequently, and there will be high risk of being attacked by animals. Relationship matters will be poor. You will be encouraged to take things easy in this year, and focus on stabilizing the situations you are in. It will be important to stay out of troubles to avoid jail terms. As long as you can glide through the year without major issues, you can consider yourself doing well.


Your career will be challenging. There will be a lot of delays and hiccups. You will experience a lot of people issues. There will be people gossiping about you and scheming against you. People will make things difficult for you. Even though there will seem to be support from others, the support may not be substantial, or the support will not be genuine. Hence, you will find yourself fighting the battle alone. You can be friendly, but do not be too trusting. You can be in the grapevine so that you will be aware of what is going on behind the scenes, and subsequently be able to protect yourself better. However, do not gossip. Even an innocent comment can be used to attack you later. Some will take your words out of context. Some will twist your words. You may want to be careful of what you say and who you say it to. You may need to avoid implementing major plans and making any hasty moves. Any small moves will have major impact towards the entire plan. Any wrong moves or carelessness can result in you facing jail terms. This will be especially so if you were to handle contracts and agreements. You will be encouraged to focus on stabilizing situations. It will be unlikely that you will face devastating problems such as projects being canned or a job loss, you will still be facing many teething problems. It will be better that you can keep a low profile and stay out of trouble.


Your wealth luck will be weak. There will be huge expenses which can put you in financial troubles. If you were to earn through commission or bonuses, you will likely to be disappointed. Apart from avoiding investing and gambling, you may want to keep your expenses in check. You will have a high risk of being robbed. Do not flash your money and valuables in public. Avoid straying into dark alleys or unfamiliar grounds. Ensure that you lock your car to avoid potential break ins or surprise attacks when you are at your unawares. Also, be aware of your surrounding in case others are tailing you to rob you when you are alone or in a vulnerable position.


Relationship matters will be weak. If you are single, the chance of this changing will be slim. If you are interested in someone or you have a keen suitor, the chance of the relationship blossoming will be slim. If you are already in a relationship, there will be a lot of tensions cause by frustration. You will be going through a lot along this year. It will be inevitable to be frustrated. It will be helpful that you can have open communication with your partner so that your partner is aware, and will likely to be more understanding. There will be so many problems in different parts of your life that relationship matters will take a backseat. You may not want problems in your relationship to add on to the existing long list of problems. Try your best to let everything remain in status quo.


Your health will be below average. You will likely have irregular meals or skip meals. Under high pressure, you will lose appetite more frequently than in other years. These will cause you to have gastric problems. In severe cases, there will be the possibility of having stomach ulcer. You will tend to overwork and will be unable to have adequate rest which will cause related health issues such as migraine, insomnia or poor quality of sleep. No matter how challenging this year can be, you will need to consider engaging in activities that can help you release stress and to have adequate rest. You will also run the risk of being attacked by animals. If you were to keep pets or need to handle animals, you may want to be extra careful. Do stay away from stray animals. Your family and friends may face life threatening situations. Although this will be beyond your control, you will likely to be emotionally affected by the bad news. Treasure your relationships and leave no regrets.


There will be a lot of people issues in 2019. There will be betrayals, backstabbings and accusations. Although there will be lesser direct confrontations, there will be a lot of scandals and malicious gossips. Many will try to scheme against you or drag you into troubles. You can be friendly but do not be too trusting. You will need to verify information before using it. Being sceptical or paranoid will be a positive trait in this year. This will enable you to identify people who can potentially cause harm to you or certain matters that can implicate you. You will rather be careful than sorry. You can be aware of gossips so that you can protect yourself better in the face of challenges, but do not engage in them. Avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. It will be impossible for you to avoid these problems completely, but you can try to reduce their impact towards you.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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2019 will be an average year for those born in the Year of the Dog. You will gain support from others easily and there will have opportunities in your career. However, instead of being in a sociable mood and embracing opportunities that come along, you will tend to be absorbed in your own world. There will seem to be an invisible wall surrounding you, which will block everybody and any matters out. You will have difficulties reciprocating to others or be enthusiastic with matters that used to excite you. You will be perceived as aloof and arrogant. People will find it difficult to get along with you professionally and personally, let alone supporting you. This will be the main cause that deter opportunities and aggravate problems which will make 2019 more challenging than it should. Your finances will be below average. Your health will be poor. Affairs of the heart will be mixed. In order to do well in 2019, improving relationships with others and staying socially connected physically and emotionally will be vital.


Your career will not be progressing as well as you hope. Although there will be the possibility of promotion, or increasing your portfolio, there will be various minor issues popping up from all different directions. They are usually manageable and avoidable, but will be sizeable to irritate you and hinder your career progress. The problems will seem to be testing your patience instead of your ability to handle crises. To add on to the complexity, your focus will be weak. You will tend to be forgetful, careless and get distracted easily. Many will think that you are uninterested in your work and your professionalism will be at stake. You may want to come up with some techniques that can help you remember matters and keep track of what is going on. Although you will gain support from others, you will either be unaware of or have difficulties in acknowledging their support. You will be absorbed in your own world. You will be perceived as aloof and arrogant. This will cause people who have supported you to regret doing so and those who want to support you to change their mind. Having good relationships with others will act as a lubricant that can smoothen processes and break deadlocks. No matter how talented you are, you will still need the cooperation and support from others to climb up the corporate ladder. You can implement your career plans, but do it slowly and steadily. You will be encouraged to focus on improving relationships with others and many benefits will come with it.


You will likely to do fine if you were to earn through a steady income. However, you may not be able to do equivalently well if your income fluctuates. You will likely to incur huge expenses which will strain your finances even if it does not put you in financial troubles. You may want to limit your spending. Gambling luck will be poor. Avoid gambling as best as you can. You can invest, but will need to do some work to find out about the details before going for it. You are encouraged to make sensible investments which are suitable for you.


Affairs of the heart will be mixed. If you are single, you will feel lonely. You will be struggling between wanting to be in a relationship and enjoying the freedom that you are having. At the same time, many will find you charming, and will consider wooing you. However, you will see past all the hints that your suitor is dropping, and will appear uninterested. After a while, the potential suitor will likely give up. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel that your partner is unable to provide you adequate support, which is different from the reality. Your partner may ask you how you will wish him or her to support you, but you will have difficulties in answering that. You will be indifferent about what is going on in your partner’s life and how your partner feels. Even though you may not have verbal fights with your partner, your behaviour will hurt your partner badly. You may be experiencing some blockages emotionally which will cause difficulties in displaying how you feel or understanding what is going on within yourself. You may want to let your partner know about your confusions or unexplainable emotions. No matter what you decide to do, do not take it out at your partner.


Your health will be poor. You will tend to fall ill frequently and for a longer period of time. Most of the illnesses that you will suffer will be related to compromised immune system. It will be unlikely that you will have major illnesses. If you feel unwell, you may want to visit a doctor soon. It will usually be easier to treat the illness when it is not severe. You may want to pay some attention in improving your immune system by having a balanced diet, adequate rest and regular exercise. You will be slightly accident prone because you will tend to get distracted easily. If you are having difficulties in focusing or if you are on medication, do not drive, operate machines and handle sharp tools.


The amount of people issues will be similar with other years. However, you will seem to be socially inadequate, which will aggravate situations. You will tend to say wrong things at the wrong time to the wrong person. You will display lack of interest with what is going on around you. You will be very cold towards others. It will seem that you will be living in your own world. Many will be offended by what you say and the way you behave. They will perceive you as aloof and callous. Even if others may not have direct confrontations with you or cause harm to you, they will not help you when you need them to. This will cause problems that you will be facing to become more serious than they should. We cannot survive alone. Let alone if you want to be successful in life. Instead of focusing too much on yourself, open your eyes and mind to what is going on around you. You will be strongly encouraged to work on your social skills. It will be extremely easy for you to improve relationships if you want to. If you cannot or do not want to improve your relationships with others, you can at least avoid dampening or destroying the relationships.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a challenging but manageable year for those born in the Year of the Pig. You will have a lot of people issues at work and in your personal life. There will be frequent disputes which can turn violent. Avoid having direct conflicts. Your finances will be poor, and you will run the risk of being robbed. Matters of the heart will be poor. If your relationship is not well-managed, there will be separation. You will tend to have weak health. You will have a high risk of being mugged and there will be possibility of injuries, surgeries and receiving invasive treatment. Do pay attention to your health and safety. Although you will face with many problems, the situation will improve around the second half of the year or the third quarter of the year. Hence, you will be encouraged to be patient, and keep a low profile in the first half of the year. You can implement your plans slowly in the second half. Good things will be worth the wait. The golden rule for the year will be to be patient and calm. If you can follow that, you will realize that 2019 will not be as bad as you expect.


There will be many challenges in your career. There will be some technical problems, but there will be many that are caused by people intentionally. Many will make things difficult for you. They will betray, backstab, mislead and sabotage you. They will attempt to hijack your opportunities. They will not hesitate to have direct conflicts with you. No matter how annoyed you are, or how unreasonable the other party is, avoid quarrelling with others. There will be a high risk that loud verbal disputes turning into physical violence. Some may explode into anger and attack you on the spot while there will be others who will choose to ambush you when you are alone. Your skills to handle angry and difficult people will determine how well you can survive in this year. When you meet with people who have different opinions than you, be calm and try to meet the person half way, or come up with win-win solutions. If this cannot be done, do feel free to seek help from authorities or someone who is experienced in dealing with conflicts. Although there will be challenges, it will not be so bad throughout the year. You will just need to endure in the first half of the year or at least to the seventh lunar month of the year. Situation will improve after that. You will be encouraged to keep a low profile for the first half of the year and can begin to implement your career plans slowly in the second half of the year.


Your wealth will be below average. You will incur huge expenses. There will be the possibility of being robbed. Do not flash your money or valuables in public. Not only the chance of earning from investment and gambling will be slim, there will be a high risk of breaking the bank with such activities. You will be strongly encouraged to avoid investing and gambling.


Romance will be below average. If you are single, the chance of you meeting someone special or falling in love will be slim. If you are already in a relationship, there will be frequent fights. Harsh words will be exchanged. If there are any unhappiness, try to communicate in a calm manner. If you have difficulties in staying calm, ask for time off to calm down. Do not say things that you do not mean. If your relationship is not well managed, there will be the possibility of breaking up or divorce. If you have been in an abusive relationship where your partner can be violent towards you, situations can be much more severe this year. Do not give yourself any reasons to tolerate such behaviour or hope that your partner will change. Run away, ask for help, or make a police report as soon as possible. Save yourself.


Your health and safety will be below average. There are indications of you having surgery and accidents. You may need to receive invasive treatments. Among different forms of accidents, you will be prone to those that related to cuts. If you have difficulties in focusing, do not drive, operate machines or handle sharp tools. You will have a high risk of being mugged. Avoid straying in dark alleys or going to unfamiliar places alone.


You will likely to meet many ill-intentioned people who will resort to underhanded means against you. There will be betrayal, backstabbing and accusations. Some will hijack your opportunities or make things difficult for you. This can happen in your personal and career front. You can be friendly, but do not be too trusting. Avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information, especially those that related to opportunities that you have not secured. There will be more frequent arguments and direct confrontations than in other years. Although it will be inevitable for this to happen, you may want to refrain from doing so because this can escalate into yelling competitions and physical violence. Some whom you have offended will resort to physically attacking you when you are alone or in a vulnerable position. It will be fine to have differences, but you may want to develop some techniques in handling them. You can consider having all parties meeting halfway, or having other win-win solutions. If the other party refuse to compromise, you may want to ask for a time off so that all parties can calm down. After which, you can either continue to persuade them, or find another person to communicate on your behalf. You can also seek help if you have difficulties in handling confrontations.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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